International financing alternatives

What it is for?

Its purpose is to make a connection with an international fund, in order to receive liquidity through credit or equity, obtaining more competent resources in terms of rates and conditions, compared to local banks.

Additionally, through the accompaniment and advice provided during the Due Diligence process, the information is structured in a way that the fund finds attractive, significantly increasing the possibility of success and obtaining a more transparent, fast, and efficient process.

Reasons to perform an international funding

  • Authorized connection with international funds
  • Lower rates than the local offer
  • Possibility of grace periods
  • Greater flexibility in credit conditions
  • Greater possibility of success in the process
  • Accompaniment in the Due Diligence

How does it work?

Internally we analyze the project to determine if it meets the basic conditions to be presented to our international partners, then an Application Form is filled out where some basic data of the project is presented (accompanied by a Business Project) to obtain the interest of the fund.

Then the Due Diligence begins, which consists of an analysis and collection of information about the project (technical, legal, financial, business, among others) and its partners, at the end of it the fund and the client make a contract between parties where they agree on the conditions of financing, in order to proceed with the disbursement (the process can last between 3 – 6 months).

Negative effects of not having an international funding service

By not having a reliable international contact, you will incur in risky financing operations and possible scams.

If you already have the connection and you do not have support from experts, it can generate excessive costs, prolonged processes, and a low possibility of success.

Why Quae Solutions?

Risk Management

We realize simulations of different scenarios, identifying critical points, and generate a risk matrix creating mitigation strategies

Financial Re-Enginnering

Our services are structured using last tendencies on finance, transforming traditional methodologies

Comprehensible Analysis

We differentiate by focusing our reports towards recommendations and strategies, so you can understand and execute

Strategic Ally

We exercise a collaborative function, focused on achieving goals so that your corporate development and your company’s value increases

Timeless Model

Our models are sensitive to changes. You will be investing in a tool that can be adjusted to future changes that may occur in your organization

Affordable Solutions

We evolve the traditional financial consulting business, removing inefficient processes to be at your reach

Obtain a more competent financing than the traditional

Contact us and we will arrange a meeting

cliente obtiene financiamiento internacional para su proyecto